Ballester exhibits the project at CEVISAMA Onda Bonica as a successful model of urban regeneration and beautification

The government team continues to visit Ondense companies at the fair and explain their projects related to the sector

Ballester: "We present more than 30 performances that have turned Onda in the largest open-air ceramic museum”

The mayor of Onda, Carmina Ballester, presented the project this morning Onda Bonica at the CEVISAMA International Ceramics Show, as a successful model of urban regeneration and beautification of degraded environments. Onda Bonica has the objective of using the ceramics made in Ondense companies to condition various parts of the city and turn it "into the largest open-air ceramic museum."

Ballester has recalled the presentation of the plan three years ago and has taken stock: "we return to present the more than 30 actions with an investment of more than one million euros". The first mayor has highlighted that all of them are made with Ondense products and executed by companies in the city, since "ceramic is our hallmark, we have the best talent, the best products and the best quality", she highlighted.

Among the many performances of Onda Bonica highlights the large mural made with trencadís in the entrance tunnel to the municipality, which has completely transformed the arrival by car to Onda. The ceramics used in this action were donated by Pamesa and the designs were made by the users of the El Molí Occupational Center. Also noteworthy are the stairs on Doctor Gómez Ferrer and Túria streets, the Font de la Força mural, Cervantes square, Miguel Hernández square or Serratella square.

The mayoress has taken advantage of the occasion to claim “that ceramics from Castellón have a great future ahead of them. Because we have the best products, all the talent and non-conformity to continue improving, to continue leading the innovation that has made us great”.

Visit to companies

The government team continues with its ronda visits to Ondense companies to present their action plan Onda Logistic, focused on the improvement of industrial estates, personalized services, tax incentives of up to 95%, the business acceleration office to streamline procedures or the aid plan for hiring up to 4.000 euros.

Ballester exhibits the project at CEVISAMA Onda Bonica as a successful model of urban regeneration and beautification